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Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund is a concentrated portfolio of undervalued precious metals mining companies. We seek to own companies that combine attractive undervaluation, quality, and governance. | |||
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Gross long and short exposures calculated using period-end net assets. Percentages may be rounded. Companies are categorized according to the country of their primary asset, product, region, or type based on internal categorizations that are subject to change based on the development of a given company and/or asset. Bullion may include listed equities that hold precious metals or physical holdings. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Gross long and short exposures calculated using period-end net assets. Percentages may be rounded. Companies are categorized according to the country of their primary asset, product, region, or type based on internal categorizations that are subject to change based on the development of a given company and/or asset. Bullion may include listed equities that hold precious metals or physical holdings. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Gross long and short exposures calculated using period-end net assets. Percentages may be rounded. Companies are categorized according to the country of their primary asset, product, region, or type based on internal categorizations that are subject to change based on the development of a given company and/or asset. Bullion may include listed equities that hold precious metals or physical holdings. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Gross long and short exposures calculated using period-end net assets. Percentages may be rounded. Companies are categorized according to the country of their primary asset, product, region, or type based on internal categorizations that are subject to change based on the development of a given company and/or asset. Bullion may include listed equities that hold precious metals or physical holdings. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Sector performance figures are derived using daily performance contribution calculations in US dollars, gross of all fees and fund expenses and are categorized according to internal categorizations. . Calculations are not GIPS compliant and have not been audited. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Sector performance figures are derived using daily performance contribution calculations in US dollars, gross of all fees and fund expenses and are categorized according to internal categorizations. . Calculations are not GIPS compliant and have not been audited.. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Sector performance figures are derived using daily performance contribution calculations in US dollars, gross of all fees and fund expenses and are categorized according to internal categorizations. . Calculations are not GIPS compliant and have not been audited. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Top long equities as a percentage of period end fund AUM. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Market capitalization of long equities in USD and shown as a percentage of only long-equity AUM. Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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Strategy is composed of: 1) Equinox Partners, L.P. gold mining portfolio (data inception 2007 - April 2016); 2) gold mining managed account (SMA inception May 2016 - December 2020); 3) Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. (Fund inception January 2021 - onward). |
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There can be no assurance that, particularly in an adverse climate, we would account for one third of the daily trading volume. Analysis presumes 5 trading days out of 7 calendar days. When gross long positions are less than 100% of partners’ capital, cash is included in 0-30 days and defined as fund AUM less the market value of long positions. Analysis relevant and applied to only the master fund of Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, L.P. and not any given managed account which could differ based on portfolio composition. |
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Summary is based on selected items and stated as a % of average partners’ capital for Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, LP. Figures presented are estimated and unaudited and, therefore, subject to change after conclusion of our year-end audit. These figures should not be relied upon for tax planning. Excludes expsense specific to offshore vehicle, Equinox Partners Precious Metals Fund, Ltd. |
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General Partner investor category includes fund assets, deferrals, and LP accounts owned by the General Partner, family members, and firm employees. |
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Equinox Partners Investment Management, LLC | Information as of 12.31.24 unless noted | *SEC registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training
Equinox Partners Investment Management, LLC | Site by Fix8