With a 29 year track record, we seek to be a high conviction, low-turnover investor in public companies that we believe combine value and quality. As contrarians, we primarily invest in precious metals miners, emerging markets operating companies, and E&P companies.
As long-term value investors, we have owned public equities globally for over two decades. Along the way, we've gained specializations in precious metals miners and emerging markets operating companies. While we have an in-house global research process, our philosophy greatly limits the universe of companies we would consider owning. Over our 25+ years, we've suffered through various financial crises - many of which create opportunities. As a result, we are willing to suffer short-term volatility in order to realize long-term value in any market, country, or sector.
We seek only the rare company that we believe combines value and quality. As a result, we build concentrated, low-turnover, contrarian portfolios. We are agnostic to country, sector, market cap, index holdings or other attributes that we believe are more far more arbitrary that the fundamentals of a company and the price we are willing to pay. At the same time, we are aware of the macroeconomic forces which can tend to create opportunties as we seek to be on the right side of financial history.
Equinox Partners Investment Management, LLC | Information as of 12.31.24 unless noted | *SEC registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training
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